July 29th, 2020, around 10am EDT, several Amigos had called in to work sick....

but they weren't sick at all.....They were Playing HOOKEY! at Whitestar Quarry!

"(cough-cough)....I'm really sick today boss"

Nope, you are not Narc'd...that's a Snowman on a stick!

That Underwater Social Distancing Buoyancy class pays off!

*Names of the divers are confidential in strict accordance with Hookey regulations*

Except for this guy....That Don! He's retired....lucky duck!

Looking for some Cool Ranch chips in the Frito Lay truck!

Contemplating a trip to a "red zone" so he can "Self Quarantine for 14 days"....

In all seriousness, please practice responsible social distancing!
Aqua Amigos strongly suggest you keep at least one Bluegill between you and your buddy while diving!!!

See you next time when we have a stomach bug!
